Tuesday, 8 February 2011

aRterior - interior design with a sunday feeling

It has been too long since I have done my last post. I have really missed you guys. Thank you for all the sweet comments that you are leaving lately. I really appreciate it.

Today I want to tell you about an interior company that aims at creating a luxury sunday feeling in your house. That feeling of enjoyment, comfort and luxury. As if the world stays still when you enter your own home. aRterior is a Dutch company providing the whole interior for your home.
This philosophy totally fits my taste. I love to create an atmosphere of comfort and peas, filled with only beauty. Let your dream things surround you. Let you LIVE YOUR DREAM!

source: aRterior
Someone I know is doing their whole interior with aRterior at the moment. I hope I will get the chance to shoot some pictures after it has been done.

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