Thursday, 14 July 2011

Julie Lim wedding photographer with eye for detail

My mind is full of weddings! Wedding decor, wedding ideas, how to present rings, shoes, flowers everything...
My mind is full! and thats not so strange as my own wedding is just 3 weeks away from now! Excited? is a wrong word! 
Obsessed! With decor, arrangements, dinner invitations and menus, flowers vases and candles.
Cause my wedding is going to have it ALL!!!! 

Oh yeah... I wanted to tell you about Julie Lim! This great photographer from US (as always most of the greatest photographers are coming either from the US or from Russia..) But i just love her style. She has that airy, romatic, modern style. And eye for detail! 

But i believe so far i'm feeling most about this wedding that Julie did in South Africa!

You can see more pictures on her blog.


  1. Looking forward to being part of your special day.

  2. Kissesssss to you!! and see you very very soon!! im so excited that you are actually coming!!!!!!!!! ;D
